You know when someone asks you to say something about yourself or describe yourself, and for a moment you completely forget who you are? Yep, that’s me right now lol. But, because it is mandatory to do so, I will try my best. My name is Vania Guimaraes (I will help you to pronounce it.. its Gee-mur-rah-ish). I’m a Portuguese little girl aged 23. Been living in London, UK for nearly a decade and yes, I love this city. I enjoy meeting new people, discovering new places and learning new things. I am always (not always) ready to take on a new adventure. At the moment, I am into crocheting and probably by next month, I will be obsessed by something totally different. I am just weird like that LOL.
I would like to invite all of you to get to know more about me and my visions here. I will be using this blog to share my opinions, experiences, emotions and simple life in the hope to engage, inspire and learn from this new adventures