YES, YES, YES!! I consider myself to be fat and for that reason I’m constantly trying to find ways to lose weight without doing a lot of exercises. I know it’s wrong and also know that I have to eat well and exercise regularly to reach my body goals. However, I find it very hard when all my favourite foods involves a lot of carbohydrates and other ‘bad’ things for my body. Well I mean, who doesn’t enjoy a lovely pasta with lots and lots of cheese on top? A burger? And if you are Portuguese, can’t you resist a nice plate of Bacalhau com natas?
Sometimes, I stop and ask myself “what is the perfect body you are trying to get Vania?”, “what is a perfect body?”. Having 6 packs? No fat around the stomach area? A pear shape body? Nice and volumes curves? I see so many girls on social media getting all the attention and to me they have the perfect body. But do they think the same? Are they happy with the way they look? Nowadays, we are so consumed with social media that we sometimes forget that not everything they show us is actually true.
I am starting to realise that I already have this so called “perfect body” I’m trying to get. Yes, it could do with some changes, but those changes are only needed to make me a healthier person. I have to start loving myself for who I am and what I have. Most of the time, we lose ourselves trying to be like others. We lose our authenticity. From now on, I will accept my body and not be afraid to wear certain clothes because it shows my ‘imperfections”. I will not limit myself on the pictures I post on my social media because I’m scared of what people might say. I will love every inch of my body and I advise you to do the same. Because all body types are perfect in their own way.